Friday 13 January 2012

Soap Opera Magazine rough draft 2

We showed our magazine to our demographic audience and the feedback we gained was the following:

Good Points- Our demographic audience thought that the magazine cover was very colourful and eye catching. They thought that it would stand out on a shelf and entice people to buy it. They liked that it included some of the story lines and gave a hint to what they could expect to see from the soap opera. They liked that even though it contained a lot of information, it wasn't cluttered and was still clear and simple to read.

Bad Points- Our demographic audience thought that the top part of the magazine still needed a bit of work and they thought that the barcode would look better down the side. Some said that the orange font colour for the main cove line wasn't very clear and didn't stand out as much as it could.

Improvements- To improve our magazine we are going to add to the top half of the magazine and move the bar code down the left third. We are thinking of not including another storyline at the top
but maybe a free poster of one of the characters.

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