Friday 13 January 2012

Poster rough draft 2

We showed our poster to our demographic audence and the feedback we got was the following:

Good Points - It is clear and shows the character well, the character in the red dress stands out and it is clear she is going to have a big role. It is simple yet effective as everything is there that needs to be. The ITV1 logo makes it look like a realistic poster.

Bad Points - The picture isn't good quality, the writing is all together and needs to be spaced out. There is a gap at the top that needs to be filled. A border could be added to tie it all together. The picture could be made a bit clearer. The Blossom Hill could be in  a different font to make it stand out.

Improvements- To improve we are going to get a clearer image for the poster to give it a more professional look. Also, we are going to add a border around the image to tie it all together and give it a real finish.

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