Monday 16 January 2012

Blossom Hill Rough Cut 2

We showed our film to our demographic audience and they gave the following feedback:

Good Points- They enjoyed the song and thought that it added to the piece well. They also, liked the voiceovers within the piece and at the end as they felt this made it look like a real soap trailer.

Bad Points- Some people felt that having the singing and the voiceovers together there was a bit too much going on at the same time. Also, the volume of some of the voiceovers were too loud/quiet for the piece.

Improvements- Even though we like the song we have decided against it as we agree that the voiceovers need to be the main focus. Also, we are going to sort out the volume of the voiceovers so they are all the same and clear. We need to add in a transition between the bachelor and the business mans phone call to show time passing as we feel it is too quick. Also, we are going to film the final section of the trailer and put it in.

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