Thursday, 29 September 2011

Photographic Storyboard

We have created a Animatic storyboard which gives us more of an Idea about how our soap will look (compared to the normal storyboard), this is just a basic understanding of what we want.

Since doing the photographic storyboard we found our ideas changed compared to when we did the initial storyboard. Initially we liked the idea of setting it in a party environment but later realised that we could potentially find this challenging and would not be as effective for a soap trailer. We all agreed that we preferred the idea of a photo shoot setting as its an opportunity to have all the characters in one room together. We felt this was a better idea for a trailer as the characters could come across better and the storylines could be put forward as the location is a sort of blank canvas that we can experiment with. After doing the photographic storyboard we knew for definite that we wanted to carry on this idea as we felt it worked well in images and hoped for the same when it comes to filming.

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