Friday, 26 August 2011

Soap Opera Trailers Target Audience Questionnaire and Results

Here we have created a questionnaire to ask people about Soap Opera Trailers. By doing this we are able to gather the information we need to know to make a good quality trailer and one that is realistic like the trailers out there today.

This information we have collected from the questionaire will help us to broaden our knowledge of soap operas and what are peoples favourite parts in soap operas. For example we asked the question what do you look for in a trailer? our audience said they expected a really big storyline which is eye catching but for it to not give too much away, so we know to make our storyline interesting and unique and to add suspense so we do not give away what is going to happen. Another question we asked was What time do you expect to see a trailer? The answers we recieved back was Prime time and before and after a soap, therefore we know to air our soap trailer between 7 - 9 so we know it will definately be seen. Another question asked was What would you expect the trailer to be about? our answers showed us the audience wants new characters or a traielr to show a big event, they said a good example of this was at christmas time. We have decided to add lots of different characters so the audience have loads of new people to take interest in we want to give each character a big storyline. What is a good trailer you've seen and why? is the fourth question we asked, the tram crash was the most popular trailer giving to us by our audience, they said they liked the happiness contrasted to the sadness and the amount of suspense in the trailer was key. We want to try and recreate this in our trailer by adding plenty of suspense and show the characters happy on the outside with a big secret so they are sad on the inside, this shows the contrast in our trailer aswell. The final question we asked was What Information would you expect to get from a trailer? our audience said they wanted a brief insight to the storyline but also to know what channel it is going to appear on and the time and date. This is a must have for our soap opera trailer as we want to stick to the key conventions and they are the key conventions.

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