Monday 17 October 2011

Lighting Information

For our trailer we will be using artificial lighting as we are filming in a photography studio. The lighting will make the characters stand out against the white background and bring out their colourful costumes. As we are using artificial lighting we can film at any time of the day as it will not be affected. The photos we take for both poster and magazine will give good quality photos with a professional finish. Also, the actors will look vibrant and fresh.

The artificial lighting may connote a sense of class and emphasise the fact that these people are of a high standard. The bright lights against the white background will make it look classy. If we planned to base our trailer in a darker environment we don't believe it would give off the same feel of status and class and would not present these people in the way that we intend. Using an artificial light will also help to maintain continuity as we will to using the same HMI lights all the way through the trailer.

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