Thursday 25 August 2011

Soap Opera Target Audiences and Results

We asked a selection of people to complete our questionnaire about Soap Operas, this was to help us discover the demographic groups Soap Operas appeal to. Here is a copy of the questionnaire we used.

Soap Opera Questionnaire

Soap Opera Trailer Target Audience Results Analysis
After doing this it now tells us what demographic groups Soap Operas appeal to so when we come to aiming our soap at a target audience we will know more about what type of demographic group we will need because of this questionnaire. We can look at our results and see what target audience we want to aim our soap at. The answers from this questionnaire will reflect on the decisions we make further on during our film because we now have our target audiences opinions, we can't say what we want to do is the right decision because we need to be influenced by our target audience as they are the ones who will be watching our film.

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